Playing Surface

This process is pretty simple, so I'm not going to put a lot of detail here. After getting the rail completed, this should be a breeze. Here is the foam spread out on the floor.

Here is the playing surface insert. Notice that the holes containing the top half of the T-Nuts are covered with tape to prevent sags in the surface.

Spray the adhesive liberally onto the insert, and give it a few minutes to get nice and tacky. Slowly roll the foam onto the insert making sure it's nice and even. Give it a half hour or so to dry then come back and lightly tug around the edge. If the edge lifts, spray some more and press it back down.

Once you're confident in the surface, use a razor blade to cut off the excess.

Next step is to attach the felt. A high quality suited felt from a casino supply company is recommended. Make sure to stretch the felt tight, and use a lot of staples. Your process should be similar to the one used when padding the rail.
Here are all the pieces together for the first time.
Now all that's left to do is stain the rail! (ok, so some of the chapters are a little out of order, but you get the picture)

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February 18, 2006 4:08 PM